Endoscopic (laser) imaging is commonly used for applications with limited optical access in gas turbines, IC-engines and industrial furnaces.LaVision provides a variety of endoscopes for visible and UV light applications, such as PIV, LIF and high speed flame visualization. Cameras endoscopes are available for all types of cameras and intensified cameras. Illumination endoscopes are available for lasers and other light sources.Endoscopic imaging solutions or upgrades can be provided for practically any (laser) imaging system. As part of the solutions LaVision offers pressure sealing inserts as well as customized mounting and installations.
high-speed spray and flame visualization in internal combustions engines with advanced quantification
laser imaging in IC engines, i.e. PIV
laser imaging in gas turbines
visible and UV flame visualization, e.g. in IC engines and industrial furnaces
planar (flat field) image correction removes endoscopic field of curvature
best optical components for high contrast and image quality
high temperature applications
Camera endoscope for UV wavelengths
quartz lens based for high UV transmission
High effciency camera endoscope for UV
expectionally fast UV endoscope for low light level applications
for visualization applications without self-emission, e.g. fuel sprays
available for all types of light sources including LEDs, Xenon lamps and lasers
Laser light sheet endoscopes
for laser light sheet imaging techniques
visible light sheet endoscopes, e.g. for PIV
UV light sheet endoscopes, e.g. for LIF
Product information
Endoscopic Imaging
Camera endoscopes
Overview - camera endoscopes
Camera endoscope VIS 8 mm
Camera endoscope VIS 6.5 mm
Camera endoscope UV
Camera endoscope UV high-efficiency
Camera endoscope UV high temperature
Illumination endoscopes
Overview – engine illumination
Engine illumination unit 8 mm
Engine illumination unit 6.5 mm
Laser light sheet endoscope
Sealing insert
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